Strengthen safety awareness and build a solid safety defense line | Yufeng Intelligent held the launch meeting of the 2024 "Safety Production Month" event Jun 06, 2024
June 2024 is the 23rd "Safety Production Month" in the country. In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions and important instructions on work safety, we will solidly carry out the work related to the "Safety Production Month" and effectively improve the safety of all employees. In order to improve safety awareness and emergency response capabilities, Yufeng Intelligent held the launch meeting of the 2024 "Safety Production Month" event with the theme of "Everyone pays attention to safety and everyone knows how to respond to emergencies - Smooth life channels". Xiang Weifeng, general manager of Yufeng Intelligent, attended the meeting together with the company's middle and senior managers, relevant workshop leaders, and project leaders and delivered a mobilization speech.

The meeting thoroughly studied General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on work safety and watched the public welfare video "Everyone Speaks of Safety, Everyone Meets Emergency Response and Smooth Life Channels" for the Safety Production Month. Yufeng Intelligent Safety and Environment Supervisor reported on the implementation of the annual safety work plan, investigation and management of potential accident hazards, and announced the company's 2024 "Safety Production Month" activity implementation plan.

Xiang Weifeng, general manager of Yufeng Intelligent, gave a mobilization speech for this event. He emphasized: "1. Safety production, responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai. All levels cannot be neglected. All employees must effectively implement all tasks. Managers We must be a good "leader" and lead employees to take action so that hidden dangers are thoroughly rectified and no dead ends are left in management. 2. We must establish and improve a traceable responsibility system for the entire process to form a safe production pattern in which everyone is responsible and accountable. 3. Strengthen safety special education and safety legal education, achieve full coverage of training and education, strengthen safety awareness of all employees, and further create an atmosphere where everyone understands safety and everyone takes care of safety. "The successful holding of the kick-off meeting officially kicked off 2024. The "Safety Production Month" activity came to an end. Yufeng Intelligent will organize and carry out activities such as "accident emergency drills" and "I contribute to safety" to mobilize all employees to provide suggestions. At the same time, banners are posted, safety education and training are carried out, and a strong atmosphere is created through activities such as signing a commitment letter on production safety, to further enhance the safety risk responsibility awareness and escape ability of all employees, continue to establish a strong awareness of safety red lines, promote the implementation of safety production responsibilities, and effectively improve The quality of risk prevention and control and hidden danger investigation and rectification has been continuously improved to continuously improve the company's safety management level.

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